Salem, Oregon Photographer: Family | Children


PSSSSSSST... Scroll down for special discount on these darling bows!*

HOW CUTE are these girls!?  I recently fell in love with Little Poppy Co. bows, and after receiving a one month subscription from them, I knew I had to feature these bows in a session!  So, I found these gorgeous sisters, and their Mama was gracious enough to let me use them as my models :) 

Little Poppy Co. ( is a fun and affordable way to get stylish hair accessories for the little lady in your life.  After signing up, you get their three featured bows (you choose- headband OR clip) delivered straight to your door each month.  I picked the headbands- they are made with a soft material so they are incredibly gentle on little noggins, and super comfortable.  For my daughter, I actually use them around her ponytail, too!  

So, there's your dose of cuteness for today! 

*P.S:  For 30% off your first month subscription with Little Poppy Co, use code: SHELBYPHOTO at checkout.  Enjoy! <3