Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Landry Jo

I had the honor of spending a little bit of time Christmas Eve morning for this beautiful family’s Fresh 48 session at Salem Hospital. It was so fun getting to see the girls excitement for both meeting their new sister AND getting to tell her who would be visiting them that night! Santa brought this family the best gift~ getting to take their new addition home <3

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

While these hospital newborn photos give you all the feels- you HAVE to check out the Fresh 48 slideshow below including video clips from the very first moments they were together as a family of 6.

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Welcome to the World, sweet Landry!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Arianna

Seriously one of my favorite parts about Fresh 48 sessions is when Mom & Dad wait until I’m there for their photography appointment to have big brother or big sister meet the newest babe. I totally got teary eyed watching these clips play back when I got them together in the Fresh 48 video. Baby Arianna will ALWAYS know how loved she is, from the moment she arrived! <3


We had our session at the Salem Hospital (in downtown Salem, Oregon) and this was the first one that I’ve done there in a while as my last several clients were out of Corvallis, Silverton, Portland etc! The time of day was perfect~ working with that fabulous window light, we got some beautiful photos and video clips (in the Fresh 48 slideshow below!!) of the family together, big sister and big brothers, Mama and baby, Daddy and baby etc! As we all know, this newborn stage passes by SO quickly and I was honored to capture these first precious moments! Take a peek at their keepsake video below!

Welcome, Arianna!

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Evelyn

This is Evelyn's birth story

When I first met Mama, she told me she was interested in having her daughter's birth photographed because she felt like there were so many parts of her son's birth that she wanted to be able to remember better- but it was just such a blur.  A happy, emotional, blur.  I really feel like that is the reason why birth photography is so important to me.. It's TRUE.  The labor and birth of your child is one of the most precious moment's of your life (if not THEE most precious..) It's a time that you wish so badly you could freeze in that moment and return to it years down the road.  When Mama sees this video, I hope it'll pull her right back in, to that day.  To the anticipation of riding in the car for her induction with a doctor that she absolutely LOVED and had such a connection with.  And remembering that she wanted some peanut M&M's while she was laboring (and she got them right after baby arrived!!!)  I want her to remember her husband by her side telling her sweetly he wished there was something he could do to help her- and the way that he looked at her while she was laboring, and how he admired her holding their baby girl.  It is my biggest wish that she will remember how excited her son was when he burst in the room running to see "myyy babyyyyyyy!"  (I'm pretty excited for baby girl to get to see this video someday, too!!!  Her big brother fell in love with her in just seconds!)  I want Mama to see this video and see how beautiful she is, and how beautiful her family is.  She and her husband have created this precious family together, and that is something worth celebrating.     

Etzel family, thank you so much for giving me the honor of working with you. 

Welcome to the World, sweet Evelyn!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Braxton

OH the sweetness.  I did this Fresh 48 Session right after this Birth, and I'm so happy I could be there to capture these first moments!  I'll take you through some of my favorites <3  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

One super special thing about Fresh 48 photography, is that you are able to photograph family members meeting the sweet new addition!  In this case, little man had his two big sisters come meet him!  Along with his Grandparents & Aunties : )  He was a little celebrity! 

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | big sisters meeting their newborn baby brother! | Salem, Oregon |

I love the ones of proud Grandma & Grandpa! : )

After things calmed down a little, I focused on getting those first portraits of Mommy & baby, and of course baby and Daddy.  I'm obsessed with this one!

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Hi Daddy!  Newborn looking up at Daddy | Salem, Oregon |

Annnnnnd, these two pictures below make my heart swell.  I know that I always talk about remembering going through these emotions & moments myself with my kids- but I truly think that is what makes a great lifestyle photographer.  When you have experienced these moments in life, it makes it so much easier to know the tiny, fleeting moments to capture.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mommy & her new baby | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I see so much beauty in the photo of Mama and her baby.  I think that EVERY Mother remembers those first few hours with her newborn.  Gazing down at their teeny tiny features, tracing along their perfect little face and wondering how on Earth you created something so BEAUTIFUL.  SOMEONE so beautiful.  This precious little gift.  There are truly no other feelings like it in this World.  I took these pictures about a minute between eachother, because when I saw the way Mama was looking at him, I knew that the *moment* was happening.  So, so sweet.  Like I said, there's nothing like it.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Flowers from visitors//Details (I love that painted mason jar vase!!!) | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | newborn first footprints | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mama & her new baby boy | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I looove Mama's first portraits with her newborn!  Real, raw, beautiful, unposed moments.  And of course we have the very first bath below.  He was such a sweet peaceful little guy during his bath- he was loving the warm water.

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Baby's first bath | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

It was such a wonderful session!  I just love Fresh 48's!  

* A special Thank you to the Salem Hospital (Salem Health Family Birth Center) for being so kind and accommodating!  As I said before, it is always such an honor to be in the room with the incredible Doctors & Nurses there!