Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Kinsley Grace

I’m so happy I get to share this Fresh 48 session today. We are going on week 1.4 million of quarantine and having the opportunity to post something as uplifting as this is such a joy!


I LOVED everything about how Lea (Mama) planned her Fresh 48 session. It was so unique to their family and really focused around big brother feeling included and knowing how important his new role is! EVERY Fresh 48 photo session I do is soo different. Sometimes I walk into a hospital room and Mama says with a sleepy smile “I had every intention of getting ready- but it just didn’t happen, so I’m just going to keep it real.” Then there are the Mom’s that open their front door and I can just feel how raw and fresh everything still is; and we take the session at a gentle, slow pace. There are also the Moms that have every detail planned down to a “T” with the floral matching robe/swaddler etc.

I’ll let you in on a little secret though..

No matter what “style” of Fresh 48 session you have.. The love is there, and it’s going to shine through your photos. The first few days following meeting your little love for the first time are an adjustment period, and there isn’t a “correct” way to do it. This is one of my favorite things about doing Fresh 48 photography~ NO ONE has the same journey, the same story, the same feelings.. But every Mother I have worked with has touched my heart in some way; getting to photograph how they are navigating motherhood is such an honor.

OKAY! Back to this sweet little angel girl!!


When Lea and I discussed her hopes for their Fresh 48, it was totally centered around their little family and especially making sure big brother Carter felt included and knew how awesome his new role was going to be! Lea told me about how she takes Carter on “Mommy dates” and how special that time is for them. She had the super cute idea to actually create a “Mommy date” while he came to meet his little sister! I absolutely LOVED that idea. It can be so difficult for kiddos to adjust to having a new baby in the house- the more we can prepare them helps the whole family in the long run!


Carter was SOOOOOO excited to meet Kinsley and truly had an immediate bond and sense of protection over her. It was PRECIOUS to witness and capture! (I can’t wait to share their Fresh 48 video slideshow below so you can see what I’m talking about!) I keep in contact with Mama, and she says he is still totally in love with her and even calls her and Lea his “beautiful beauties.” ((Dad Jeremy has trained him well! :)) NOW, without further story time from me- here is Kinsley’s Fresh 48 story!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Kinsley Grace

This is Kinsley’s Birth Story

Kinsley Grace entered the world in just about 5 hard pushes by her Mama, ON her due date. Literally 9 minutes after midnight on her actual due date. She arrived healthy and perfect, and even gave a few tiny “smiles” for her birth video- I wonder if this is any indication of what her little personality will be like? ♡

Salem, Oregon Birth Photographer | Shelby Blanton Photography

If you know Kinsley’s Mama (Lea) and Daddy (Jeremy), you’ll know the journey they went through to have their two beautiful children. Kinsley and her big brother Carter were born through IVF, and they are both so unbelievably adored. I think one of my favorite things about this family besides the immense love they have for eachother~ is how important the little details are to them. From Lea’s carefully thought out birth plan, (NO PAIN MEDS, FRIENDS! Yes, she is amazing!) to Kinsley’s personalized embroidered blanket; you can tell that Lea has dreamed of being a Momma her entire life. (She did the same thing for big brother Carter’s arrival!) I LOVE that they had big brother come to the hospital during the beginning stages of their induction, and that they face timed with him to say “goodnight” from their delivery room.

Salem, Oregon Birth Photographer | Shelby Blanton Photography

Lea and Jeremy were an incredible team; Lea listened to her body and Jeremy remembered Lea’s cues from her last labor with Carter. Through her waves, Lea would go from concentration, to instantly being absolutely GIDDY thinking about getting to hold her daughter soon. It was THE sweetest! I was so happy to be there with them during this time. Also! Lea’s Mom lives in Florida and was unable to be there to meet her newest Granddaughter- but she DID get to meet her via Face time directly after birth. That was such a sweet moment I put into the video for them to remember! I think that is one of my favorite things about getting to be a birth photographer.. I LOVE preserving these moments for my families!

The last thing I wanted to write before I introduce Kinsley’s Birth Video- is that her big brother Carter ALSO had a birth photographer capture his birth. I was actually able to find the exact same song that was used from his birth video, and I added it as the ending song for Kinsley’s slideshow. I thought that would be a sweet little detail to connect their birth stories :) And now, I’ll share what you came here to see! ;) THANK YOU to the lovely K family for allowing me to share the precious birth story of Kinsley Grace!

Welcome to the world, little beauty!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Holden Matthew

This is Holden’s Birth Story

The moment I met Courtney and Matt, I knew that I wanted to be on their birth team! We met near Salem for coffee to see if we might be a good match for birth photography, and we literally laughed through the entire meeting! They were so sweet together and I loved hearing all about their journey to have little Holden. (Well, at that point; baby’s gender was a surprise- which was mega cool! Courtney told me that she had been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden, and her pregnancy required injections throughout her pregnancy as well as being closely monitored by her doctor. (This incredible Mama injected herself with over 500 needles in the duration of her pregnancy!)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

When I arrived at the hospital in Corvallis, Courtney had already been laboring for quite some time- but she was so in tune with her body and smiling through unmedicated waves. She was progressing, but slowly. After more time had passed, pit had been administered, and her water had been broken for some time~ a red flag came up with babe. Courtney and her doctor decided it would be in her and baby’s best interest to go ahead and deliver via c-section.


Holden was born via a gentle c-section, and was placed on Mama’s chest after being quickly dried off (to keep him warm!) It was such a beautiful experience and I am beyond honored to have captured it- and that Mom and Dad have given permission to share their story <3


Watch the Birth slideshow below to see images and video clips from Holden’s birth-day! Mom and Dad had both sets of parents (AKA the new Grandparents!!) to help welcome into the World.. Holden Matthew, you are so loved little guy!

Welcome to the World, precious boy!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Landry Jo

I had the honor of spending a little bit of time Christmas Eve morning for this beautiful family’s Fresh 48 session at Salem Hospital. It was so fun getting to see the girls excitement for both meeting their new sister AND getting to tell her who would be visiting them that night! Santa brought this family the best gift~ getting to take their new addition home <3

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

While these hospital newborn photos give you all the feels- you HAVE to check out the Fresh 48 slideshow below including video clips from the very first moments they were together as a family of 6.

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Welcome to the World, sweet Landry!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Arianna

Seriously one of my favorite parts about Fresh 48 sessions is when Mom & Dad wait until I’m there for their photography appointment to have big brother or big sister meet the newest babe. I totally got teary eyed watching these clips play back when I got them together in the Fresh 48 video. Baby Arianna will ALWAYS know how loved she is, from the moment she arrived! <3


We had our session at the Salem Hospital (in downtown Salem, Oregon) and this was the first one that I’ve done there in a while as my last several clients were out of Corvallis, Silverton, Portland etc! The time of day was perfect~ working with that fabulous window light, we got some beautiful photos and video clips (in the Fresh 48 slideshow below!!) of the family together, big sister and big brothers, Mama and baby, Daddy and baby etc! As we all know, this newborn stage passes by SO quickly and I was honored to capture these first precious moments! Take a peek at their keepsake video below!

Welcome, Arianna!

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Finley Eugene

This is Finley’s Birth Story

I feel like when I talk about birth photography, or when I share birth stories here I talk a bit about Mama’s labor and delivery itself but sometimes I forget to talk enough about the emotional part of what I get to do..

While I photographing this beautiful birth, I kept putting my camera down between shots and thinking to myself how absolutely flawless the connection was between these two parents-to-be. The bond they share that carried them throughout the arrival of their son was INCREDIBLE.

When I first meet my birth clients one of the things I make sure to tell them is that their birth space is top priority to me~ and if they are ever aware of needing a break from photos that I would leave for a little bit. This Mama said that her husband knows her cues and is in tune with her enough to know if she is feeling an inkling of that. Ohhhh my goshhh, she wasn’t lying- they were a remarkable team.


Kelsey and Donovan picked the Corvallis Birth & Women’s Health Center for the delivery of their son. I have worked with two birth photography clients at that location already- it is SUCH a warm, beautiful birthing space. The staff at the birth center are just wonderful, they adore their job and care deeply for the families they work with.

By the time Mama arrived at the birth center, she had already been laboring at home for quite some time and when I walked in, she was spending time in the birthing tub. One thing that stood out to me is how calm and peaceful she was between waves. You’ll see in their birth video that she was often smiling and even laughing allll the way up until she brought her sweet boy into the World. I so admire how inwardly focused she was during each contraction, making sure to work WITH her body and fighting the urge to work against the feelings.

I am thrilled to share their Birth Story below. It is my hope that every time Mom and Dad watch it, that they recognize the beautiful connection between them and how incredible of a team they are. There was so much love and trust in their birth space… What an amazing atmosphere to surround your new little one with <3

Congratulations, W family! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture this time for you.

Welcome to the World, precious Finley.

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography : Ezra

This is Ezra’s Birth Story

After 40 hours of labor, along side her supportive husband, this strong Mama welcomed her beautiful boy earthside- and it was beautiful.


Baby Ezra was born over a month ago, and I’m STILL thinking about his journey here. Mama had a bit of a roller coaster throughout her labor, as it seemed to start and then slow for a bit, then hit again quite strongly. When that happens, it can be incredibly emotional to get through. Because of the duration of her labor (40 hours is a normal amount of time for labor/delivery <3) it is expected to be tested mentally, emotionally, and last but definitely not least, physically. Physically not only from the inconsistent waves, but from the sleep deprivation as well.

There were moments when Mama wasn’t sure she could go on, and you will see that in the video. This is one of the reasons why it is SO IMPORTANT to have support. When Corrin grew weary, she had her incredibly loving husband there to talk her through and it and to remind her gently that she “COULD DO IT, and that she WAS DOING IT!!!” He reminded her of her goals, and of the faith he had in her. It was so beautiful! Corrin had her AMAZING doula by her side throughout her journey also! Latisa was an ANGEL, being there for both Corrin and her husband Nate. (I also loved getting to know Latisa throughout the duration of labor and I am so happy to have spent that time with her!!) You’ll see her throughout the video sharing her wealth of labor/birth knowledge as well as providing physical and emotional support.

I feel truly lucky to have worked with this Mom and her incredible birth team. Ezra, you are so loved already, sweet boy! Without further delay- here is the Birth Story of Ezra Mitchell:

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Harrison Lee

This is Harrison’s Birth Story

This sweet boy was born after his incredible Mama labored with him for 40+ hours (YES, she is amazing!)

I got a text on Thursday 3/14 from Lauren letting me know her water had broken in the wee hours of that morning and she was having contractions- but to wait until she met with her midwife later that afternoon to confirm that things were moving along the way they should be. We kept in touch throughout the day while she labored at home and rested as much as possible to prepare for the arrival of her little babe.

Then I received THE phone call at around 2:00am on Friday and headed to the Birth Center. Speaking of that- I have to tell you a little about the incredible place where Lauren was to bring her baby earthside- The Corvallis Birth & Women’s Health Center I can’t even get over how fabulous it was. When I walked in, it was like walking into a friend’s home- warm, inviting, and COMFORTABLE! The rooms where Mother’s get to labor and meet their baby felt just like a bedroom in a home. Also, I LOVED the midwives :) It has been a month since I photographed Lauren’s birth and since then I have photographed another Mama there (stay tuned for her birth story next!) As I have now met several of the midwives, I have to give them a massive THANK YOU for being so kind and for welcoming me into your space! If you live in the Salem, Corvallis, Albany etc. areas and are expecting, I highly recommend reaching out to them and going in for a tour!

When I arrived to the birth center, Lauren was cuddled up peacefully on the bed with her hubby and breathing through a wave. She was so calm and relaxed! We chatted for a little bit so I was updated on what was going on, and I got a few photos then left the room so she could get some rest. Things were progressing, (but slowly.)

Since Lauren’s water had broken the previous morning and contractions were still irregular/not enough of a change; she ended up transferring over to Good Samaritan (Corvallis hospital) to receive a little extra support to help things along. I’m SO grateful that she was able to have an amazing start to her birth story at the birth center, and when her midwives came along to the hospital it was such a smooth transition! Things went beautifully after that- I’ll let the video tell the rest of the story! :)

You’ll see throughout the video an incredible amount of support- Lauren had her amazing husband Josh and her sweet Momma there. With a labor on the longer side, (did I mention how amazing Lauren is!? :)) it was SO GREAT that she had two support people that took turns being her “person.” I hope when Lauren gets to see the video that she sees not only how STRONG, and incredible she was- but to see all the love that surrounded her in that space.

I’m so honored to share the beautiful Birth Story of Harrison Lee: Welcome, little one!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Genevieve Louise

This is the birth story of Genevieve

Today I’m sharing a different kind of birth story. This was a journey that began with a family of three wishing for a second baby, and a loving friend who was eager to help. The surrogate Mama, Brooke already has two amazing kiddos of her own and is one of the sweetest, STRONGEST people you’ll meet. (I am lucky to know her from years ago when I worked with her! Shout out to Brooke as she was the best boss ;)) I’m so grateful that she reached out to me to capture part of their journey together. Before the birth, we took some maternity photos of both families together. It was SO FUN getting to see them all together- I’m so happy Brooke decided to capture her pregnancy also!

Salem, Oregon Maternity &amp; Birth Photographer | Surrogacy Family session in Salem, Oregon | What to wear for Family photos | Surrogacy photo session pose guide |

Salem, Oregon Maternity & Birth Photographer | Surrogacy Family session in Salem, Oregon | What to wear for Family photos | Surrogacy photo session pose guide |


I really can’t put into words how incredible it was to witness and capture the birth of this very LOVED, sweet girl. Watching one woman give the gift of carrying and delivering another woman’s baby was just, so powerful. It was one of those moments in life where you are reminded of how capable we are of changing someone else’s life for the better. So many things in life we take for granted- like the ability to sustain a healthy pregnancy and go through labor and delivery. Brooke gave this incredible family the most beautiful, selfless gift. Not only that- but the huge amount of trust and admiration you must have for the person you choose to carry your CHILD. I am in awe of both of these women. Surrogacy is SO amazing- and I was so happy to get to capture part of this journey for them; including their birth story!


Here is the birth story of Miss.Genevieve Louise. Enjoy!

I also wanted to say a huge thank you to these two amazing families for allowing me to share their surrogacy birth story. It is so important to share all types of birth, and all the different ways to become a family. THANK YOU!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Adelaide Opal

This is Adelaide’s birth story

When I get home from photographing a birth, the first thing I do is grab a piece of paper and write down a few things that stood out to me. I do this for a couple reasons-

1.) Birth is such a BLUR. There are so many little details that are easy to miss, and some that are forgotten. I LOVE being able to write something about the birth on my blog, so I always come back to the piece of paper where I wrote what was fresh on my mind.

2.) It is also important to me that I get every single piece of Mom’s birth story that I have available into her photo gallery and birth video; so that it can be the most accurate representation of that day for Mama to cherish for years to come. Every mother will end up talking about her birth story at some point, and there’s always a part or two where she’ll get the biggest smile on her face remembering something little (or big) from that day. My goal with every birth is to try and capture those moments for her so that it won’t just be a story she’s telling- it will be something she can WATCH and re-live over and over again <3

One of the things that will always stick with me from this beautiful, gentle home birth is her support system.

Mama had her AMAZING husband who stayed by her side and was so tender and supportive of her. (Note the part where he pulls her hair up into a bun for her mid-contraction!! And the adorable note he left for her- stop it! :)) Their sweet, ADORABLE daughter was also there for the birth! She was so excited to be a big sister and oh my gosh she was like a little doula herself! She would peacefully sit in the same room as her Mama, coloring. Or she would disappear into her room for a little bit, then come out periodically to check on how her Mom was doing. I think Mom will love the part of the video where you get to see her daughter reach out and grab her hand during labor, and in the next frame she reaches up and gently touches her Mama’s hair.

I’m so excited to share this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL birth. Welcome to the world, precious Adelaide!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Elaine LaRue

This is Elaine’s birth story

I was contacted by this sweet couple for a maternity photo session followed by a birth photography session (I call them Birth Stories!) I was so excited to do both for them because it meant I would really have the opportunity to get to know them before the birth of their daughter AND that I could capture two HUGE chapters of their lives. (Cue TEARS because this makes my heart flutter!) We met for coffee to interview eachother to make sure we would be a good match for a birth story session- and the rest is history ;) Here are two of my favorites from their maternity photos!


These two were beautiful together. They are one of those couples that you can tell were meant to be, to the point where you’re not sure if or how they ever lived without eachother before they met <3

Nicole and Chandler were so in sync with eachother throughout the birth of their baby- and Mama was unreal as she labored and delivered her girl completely unmedicated and in tune with her body. I’m so excited to share their birth video- I feel like it really tells the story of their baby girl’s birth, but also a story of their love. Dad was such an incredible birth partner- rubbing her back, applying ice packs, breathing calmly and slowly with her, getting on the ground with her, offering water. (He can probably write a book with birth partner tips at this point!!! :))

Miss. Elaine’s entrance into the world was a quick one- so quick that she almost flew over the midwife’s shoulder! And while we’re on the topic of her provider- once again I was absolutely floored by the incredible support at the Salem Hospital. The nurses were SO kind, supportive, and they truly listened to Mama and Dad’s desires and just went above and beyond. Nicole’s INCREDIBLE midwife even sat on the bathroom floor fanning her while she was laboring in the bathtub, offering such loving support by just BEING there and holding that space with her.

Clearly I have way too much to say about this beautiful birth- so I will let the video tell the rest of the story.. :)

Welcome to the World, lovely Elaine! <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Lily

There's something absolutely precious about Fresh 48's.  Capturing those first moments in the hospital somewhere between first meeting your little one, to right before you begin your new life together at home.  I LOVE it.  

This sweet little lady was born September.3rd, 2017 here in Salem, Oregon.  When you watch the video, you'll get a peek into her last moments at the hospital before she gets to go home! 

As a Mama of two little ones, I KNOW how quickly this all goes by.  And I remember the excitement of introducing our daughter to her new baby brother.  These are such sweet memories that I will cherish, and I LOVE that I get to help my clients preserve that moment for themselves.  

It is my hope that when Mama watches this years from now, that she will remember the very first time she and her daughters bonded over "this little piggy" in the hospital.  I hope that she smiles when she sees the photo of her older daughter coming into the hospital dressed as Bat Girl (SERIOUSLY, SO CUTE.)  And I hope that when Lily gets older that she will get to see this video and see ALL THE LOVE in that room.  Her Grandparents absolutely spoiling her with love, and her Daddy holding her close, admiring her precious little face.

Welcome to the World, sweet Lily!

P.S. As always, I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to the incredible nurses at Salem Hospital.  They are always SO kind and a pleasure to work around!    

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Evelyn

This is Evelyn's birth story

When I first met Mama, she told me she was interested in having her daughter's birth photographed because she felt like there were so many parts of her son's birth that she wanted to be able to remember better- but it was just such a blur.  A happy, emotional, blur.  I really feel like that is the reason why birth photography is so important to me.. It's TRUE.  The labor and birth of your child is one of the most precious moment's of your life (if not THEE most precious..) It's a time that you wish so badly you could freeze in that moment and return to it years down the road.  When Mama sees this video, I hope it'll pull her right back in, to that day.  To the anticipation of riding in the car for her induction with a doctor that she absolutely LOVED and had such a connection with.  And remembering that she wanted some peanut M&M's while she was laboring (and she got them right after baby arrived!!!)  I want her to remember her husband by her side telling her sweetly he wished there was something he could do to help her- and the way that he looked at her while she was laboring, and how he admired her holding their baby girl.  It is my biggest wish that she will remember how excited her son was when he burst in the room running to see "myyy babyyyyyyy!"  (I'm pretty excited for baby girl to get to see this video someday, too!!!  Her big brother fell in love with her in just seconds!)  I want Mama to see this video and see how beautiful she is, and how beautiful her family is.  She and her husband have created this precious family together, and that is something worth celebrating.     

Etzel family, thank you so much for giving me the honor of working with you. 

Welcome to the World, sweet Evelyn!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Oliver

This is Oliver's birth story

I met with Mama twice before her birth, and we chatted about her hopes and wishes for her delivery. She told me she wanted to try birthing naturally. And she did it. She embraced the waves of contractions, and found this beautiful strength within her. When her sweet boy arrived, he cried for a moment, and instantly calmed on her chest. He was peaceful, alert, and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room.


There is so much I want to say about this birth.  I want to tell you about how calm, and peaceful this beautiful, laboring Mama was.  I want to tell you about how I witnessed a woman working with her body to bring her baby into the World.  She chose not to use any type of pain relief.  (No epidural, or anything else)  Her husband was by her side the whole time, and at one point, he said something to the effect of "she's got this."  Tianna's birthing space was full of support, full of LOVE, and I think she could feel that we ALL believed in her, and knew how powerful she was in this moment.  You'll notice in the video that her smile radiates between her contractions, and into transition.  I want to tell you about how she made the decision to cut her own umbilical cord, like the incredible, fierce Mama that she is.  I want you to see how she embraced the waves of contractions, and trusted the power of her body.  Most of all, I want to tell you what an honor it was to be in the room with her, and to witness such strength.  Her strength is an inspiration to me, and to all the women that come after her.  This is the birth of Oliver Warren Scott Carroll.

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Braxton

OH the sweetness.  I did this Fresh 48 Session right after this Birth, and I'm so happy I could be there to capture these first moments!  I'll take you through some of my favorites <3  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

One super special thing about Fresh 48 photography, is that you are able to photograph family members meeting the sweet new addition!  In this case, little man had his two big sisters come meet him!  Along with his Grandparents & Aunties : )  He was a little celebrity! 

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | big sisters meeting their newborn baby brother! | Salem, Oregon |

I love the ones of proud Grandma & Grandpa! : )

After things calmed down a little, I focused on getting those first portraits of Mommy & baby, and of course baby and Daddy.  I'm obsessed with this one!

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Hi Daddy!  Newborn looking up at Daddy | Salem, Oregon |

Annnnnnd, these two pictures below make my heart swell.  I know that I always talk about remembering going through these emotions & moments myself with my kids- but I truly think that is what makes a great lifestyle photographer.  When you have experienced these moments in life, it makes it so much easier to know the tiny, fleeting moments to capture.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mommy & her new baby | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I see so much beauty in the photo of Mama and her baby.  I think that EVERY Mother remembers those first few hours with her newborn.  Gazing down at their teeny tiny features, tracing along their perfect little face and wondering how on Earth you created something so BEAUTIFUL.  SOMEONE so beautiful.  This precious little gift.  There are truly no other feelings like it in this World.  I took these pictures about a minute between eachother, because when I saw the way Mama was looking at him, I knew that the *moment* was happening.  So, so sweet.  Like I said, there's nothing like it.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Flowers from visitors//Details (I love that painted mason jar vase!!!) | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | newborn first footprints | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mama & her new baby boy | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I looove Mama's first portraits with her newborn!  Real, raw, beautiful, unposed moments.  And of course we have the very first bath below.  He was such a sweet peaceful little guy during his bath- he was loving the warm water.

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Baby's first bath | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

It was such a wonderful session!  I just love Fresh 48's!  

* A special Thank you to the Salem Hospital (Salem Health Family Birth Center) for being so kind and accommodating!  As I said before, it is always such an honor to be in the room with the incredible Doctors & Nurses there!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Baby M

YOU GUYS, I AM SO BAD AT BLOGGING!  Oh man, I am the worst!  I'm going to be working on getting a few posts up from sessions I did back in Jan/Feb, just because there are too many beautiful babies/families for me NOT to share!  Proof:     

Look at that sweet little face cuddled up with Mama <3
Salem, Oregon Photographer | Fresh 48 |  

SEEEEEE!?  He is just precious!  This was a Fresh 48 Session at the Salem Hospital.  He is the first little one for these two, and he is SO loved.  Here's a few more from our session together:

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Fresh 48 |  | Salem, Oregon Hospital Newborn Photography Session | Hospital Newborn Photos

I think one of my favorite things about Fresh 48 sessions, is the unposed/lifestyle feel to them. I always have a lifestyle/documentary photographer approach when I do portraits.  It is important for me to few traditional poses in, but the photos that tug on my heartstrings are natural interactions between the families I am photographing, and the sweet little details.

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Fresh 48 |  

These two photos below were a couple of my favorites.  His tiny fingers!  <3  As a Mama myself, that picture below of baby next to the hospital bed is so sweet to me, because it brings back memories.  I can remember that feeling of being in my hospital bed, and looking over at my own precious baby in the bassinet next to me.  THESE are the types of memories that I LOVE preserving for my clients.  

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Fresh 48 |  | Salem, Oregon Hospital Newborn Photography Session | The tiny newborn details | Hospital Newborn Photos | Lifestyle Newborn Session | Portland Oregon Hospital Newborn Photographer

And of course, Daddy and baby photos are just the sweetest.

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Fresh 48 |  | Daddy holding newborn at hospital | Hospital Newborn Photography Session | Oregon Hospital Newborn Photographer | Mastin Labs

Okay I'm out of here to go enjoy some of this gorgeous sunshine we are having!  I promise it won't be long until my next post!  : )  Enjoy your Monday, friends!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Braxton

You know those birth video's where babies are born en route to the hospital?  This birth story was almost one of these.  Mama got checked into L&D at 8:11am and sweet little man arrived in a hurry at 9:12... YEP you read that right!  

Braxton Zade | 4.16.16

So, Mama was 40.6 days pregnant, and had a scheduled induction for 4/17.  Judging by how her pregnancy was, I had a sneaking suspicion that little guy might come before then.  I joked with her, that he will probably decide to come the day before her induction.  HE DID!  I woke up to my phone ringing at 6:56am with Mama saying "My water broke!"  She said the contractions weren't SUPER close together, but I jumped up and grabbed my bags and a cup of coffee and waited for word.  A few moments later I got a text from her.. "They are getting pretty close together- and strong."  I told her I was headed to the hospital!  (Side note.. I had a SUPER SUPER fast labor with my little guy, and her pregnancy reminded me SO much for mine, I just felt like it was going to be quick!!)  I got to the Salem Health Family Birth Center at the Hospital and headed up to L&D.  When I got there, she was in triage getting checked in. 

After that, things went..... QUICK.

Her midwife and L&D nurses were BEYOND incredible <3

Like I said, it went quick : )

Welcome to the World, precious boy!

I'll leave you with the slideshow from this incredible birth story.  This might sound silly, but this video makes me cry every time I see it!  I think the part that gets me the most, is knowing that Mama's Mother was supposed to be in the delivery room, but her birth literally went SO fast she missed it by just minutes.  However, I was able to capture her family's expressions as they first met their sweet little addition.  And, the first boy in their family for a while!  It was just beautiful. Young Family, I was SO honored to help preserve this beautiful moment for you <3

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Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Welcome Baby Thea

I got to capture this beautiful home birth down in California last September.  Mama is Savanna ( and I was incredibly honored to work with her!  She is an amazing doula AND birth photographer in Hanford, CA- and was just completely in her element while bringing her sweet girl into the World.  I have never seen a more peaceful birthing experience, it was SO special.  I told her afterwards that I wished I would have known about her doula work when I had my son- she KNOWS birth! Here are some of the incredible moments from that evening.  Enjoy! <3