Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Holden Matthew

This is Holden’s Birth Story

The moment I met Courtney and Matt, I knew that I wanted to be on their birth team! We met near Salem for coffee to see if we might be a good match for birth photography, and we literally laughed through the entire meeting! They were so sweet together and I loved hearing all about their journey to have little Holden. (Well, at that point; baby’s gender was a surprise- which was mega cool! Courtney told me that she had been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden, and her pregnancy required injections throughout her pregnancy as well as being closely monitored by her doctor. (This incredible Mama injected herself with over 500 needles in the duration of her pregnancy!)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

When I arrived at the hospital in Corvallis, Courtney had already been laboring for quite some time- but she was so in tune with her body and smiling through unmedicated waves. She was progressing, but slowly. After more time had passed, pit had been administered, and her water had been broken for some time~ a red flag came up with babe. Courtney and her doctor decided it would be in her and baby’s best interest to go ahead and deliver via c-section.


Holden was born via a gentle c-section, and was placed on Mama’s chest after being quickly dried off (to keep him warm!) It was such a beautiful experience and I am beyond honored to have captured it- and that Mom and Dad have given permission to share their story <3


Watch the Birth slideshow below to see images and video clips from Holden’s birth-day! Mom and Dad had both sets of parents (AKA the new Grandparents!!) to help welcome into the World.. Holden Matthew, you are so loved little guy!

Welcome to the World, precious boy!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Finley Eugene

This is Finley’s Birth Story

I feel like when I talk about birth photography, or when I share birth stories here I talk a bit about Mama’s labor and delivery itself but sometimes I forget to talk enough about the emotional part of what I get to do..

While I photographing this beautiful birth, I kept putting my camera down between shots and thinking to myself how absolutely flawless the connection was between these two parents-to-be. The bond they share that carried them throughout the arrival of their son was INCREDIBLE.

When I first meet my birth clients one of the things I make sure to tell them is that their birth space is top priority to me~ and if they are ever aware of needing a break from photos that I would leave for a little bit. This Mama said that her husband knows her cues and is in tune with her enough to know if she is feeling an inkling of that. Ohhhh my goshhh, she wasn’t lying- they were a remarkable team.


Kelsey and Donovan picked the Corvallis Birth & Women’s Health Center for the delivery of their son. I have worked with two birth photography clients at that location already- it is SUCH a warm, beautiful birthing space. The staff at the birth center are just wonderful, they adore their job and care deeply for the families they work with.

By the time Mama arrived at the birth center, she had already been laboring at home for quite some time and when I walked in, she was spending time in the birthing tub. One thing that stood out to me is how calm and peaceful she was between waves. You’ll see in their birth video that she was often smiling and even laughing allll the way up until she brought her sweet boy into the World. I so admire how inwardly focused she was during each contraction, making sure to work WITH her body and fighting the urge to work against the feelings.

I am thrilled to share their Birth Story below. It is my hope that every time Mom and Dad watch it, that they recognize the beautiful connection between them and how incredible of a team they are. There was so much love and trust in their birth space… What an amazing atmosphere to surround your new little one with <3

Congratulations, W family! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture this time for you.

Welcome to the World, precious Finley.

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Lily

There's something absolutely precious about Fresh 48's.  Capturing those first moments in the hospital somewhere between first meeting your little one, to right before you begin your new life together at home.  I LOVE it.  

This sweet little lady was born September.3rd, 2017 here in Salem, Oregon.  When you watch the video, you'll get a peek into her last moments at the hospital before she gets to go home! 

As a Mama of two little ones, I KNOW how quickly this all goes by.  And I remember the excitement of introducing our daughter to her new baby brother.  These are such sweet memories that I will cherish, and I LOVE that I get to help my clients preserve that moment for themselves.  

It is my hope that when Mama watches this years from now, that she will remember the very first time she and her daughters bonded over "this little piggy" in the hospital.  I hope that she smiles when she sees the photo of her older daughter coming into the hospital dressed as Bat Girl (SERIOUSLY, SO CUTE.)  And I hope that when Lily gets older that she will get to see this video and see ALL THE LOVE in that room.  Her Grandparents absolutely spoiling her with love, and her Daddy holding her close, admiring her precious little face.

Welcome to the World, sweet Lily!

P.S. As always, I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to the incredible nurses at Salem Hospital.  They are always SO kind and a pleasure to work around!    

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Product + Food Photography | Granny Fi's Shortbread

Happy Thursday, friends!  Today's post comes with food photography featuring Granny Fi's Scottish Shortbread, AND a little story : )  Before I begin, here is a peek at Fi's famous shortbread-

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Traditional Scottish Shortbread + Coffee | Food + Product Photography |

Gahhhhh!! Everytime I go through these photos I want to eat them. Haha!  #Foodphotographerproblems ;)  Anyway.  Back to my story!  So, as you may know, photographs are EXTREMELY important to me.  Not just digital files.  But, PHOTOGRAPHS.  Beautiful, tangible pieces of art featuring the people or things you love most in life.  Since I believe in printed photos SO MUCH, I include 10 fine art prints in my portrait package.  Another thing you should know about me, I love spoiling people- especially my sweet clients!  SO, when my clients receive their prints from me (and any other products they order) I like to include a little thank you gift.  

Fast forward to Fall 2015 : )  I had been looking all over Salem to partner with a special bakery who's products that I LOVED, but also had similar business values as myself.  Working with a local business who has excellent customer service is HUUUUUUGE for me.  I contacted several bakeries in our area, but hadn't found the right one.  Then, one evening I went to an event with some girlfriends and I came across a little table with these shortbread cookies artfully placed on it.  The woman behind the table was super sweet, and I could tell that she just LOVES her job.  We tried a sample of her shortbread, and it was *prettttty* amazing.  Like, REALLY amazing.  She had so many fun flavors, so I bought a few!  As our evening progressed, we all set our stuff down to take a photo.  When I turned to grab my bag of items I had purchased from the vendors- MY BAG WAS MISSING!  Someone had grabbed my bag when we weren't looking :(  I was so bummed!  Sooo, I went back to the tables to re-purchase what was stolen from me, and when I went back to Granny Fi's table, Fiona was SO KIND, and gave me back what I had purchased from her- at no charge!! WHO DOES THAT!?  I was floored that someone who didn't even know me, took it upon herself to do something kind for someone else, without asking for anything in return.  At that moment, I knew I wanted to order client gifts from her.  Someone who has an incredible product- but more importantly- has a big heart.  I'm so happy to have met her!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Traditional Scottish Shortbread with Oregon Hazelnuts + Coffee | Food + Product Photography |

Probably one of the coolest things about this shortbread (besides the delicious melt-in-your-mouth quality!!!) is that she bakes it in all kinds of different flavors.  She has the traditional, hazelnut, lemon, lavender (one of my FAVES!), cinnamon, and several other kinds.  

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Lemon Scottish Shortbread | Food + Product Photography |

DOESN'T THAT LOOK SO GOOD!?  I can't get over them.  So, if you are my client, you can look forward to getting to try these yummy treats!  OR, Fiona is frequently at Saturday Markets in the Portland + Oregon City areas.  Check with her facebook to see where she will be next!  You can also order from her website + she ships!

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Lavender Scottish Shortbread | Food + Product Photography | Client Gift Ideas | Senior Graduation Announcements |

^ That is the lavender kind!  So, so good!  If you made it through my huge blog post today, THANK YOU!  You deserve some shortbread ;)  Hope everyone has a fabulous evening!  TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!  <3  XO!