Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Kinsley Grace

I’m so happy I get to share this Fresh 48 session today. We are going on week 1.4 million of quarantine and having the opportunity to post something as uplifting as this is such a joy!


I LOVED everything about how Lea (Mama) planned her Fresh 48 session. It was so unique to their family and really focused around big brother feeling included and knowing how important his new role is! EVERY Fresh 48 photo session I do is soo different. Sometimes I walk into a hospital room and Mama says with a sleepy smile “I had every intention of getting ready- but it just didn’t happen, so I’m just going to keep it real.” Then there are the Mom’s that open their front door and I can just feel how raw and fresh everything still is; and we take the session at a gentle, slow pace. There are also the Moms that have every detail planned down to a “T” with the floral matching robe/swaddler etc.

I’ll let you in on a little secret though..

No matter what “style” of Fresh 48 session you have.. The love is there, and it’s going to shine through your photos. The first few days following meeting your little love for the first time are an adjustment period, and there isn’t a “correct” way to do it. This is one of my favorite things about doing Fresh 48 photography~ NO ONE has the same journey, the same story, the same feelings.. But every Mother I have worked with has touched my heart in some way; getting to photograph how they are navigating motherhood is such an honor.

OKAY! Back to this sweet little angel girl!!


When Lea and I discussed her hopes for their Fresh 48, it was totally centered around their little family and especially making sure big brother Carter felt included and knew how awesome his new role was going to be! Lea told me about how she takes Carter on “Mommy dates” and how special that time is for them. She had the super cute idea to actually create a “Mommy date” while he came to meet his little sister! I absolutely LOVED that idea. It can be so difficult for kiddos to adjust to having a new baby in the house- the more we can prepare them helps the whole family in the long run!


Carter was SOOOOOO excited to meet Kinsley and truly had an immediate bond and sense of protection over her. It was PRECIOUS to witness and capture! (I can’t wait to share their Fresh 48 video slideshow below so you can see what I’m talking about!) I keep in contact with Mama, and she says he is still totally in love with her and even calls her and Lea his “beautiful beauties.” ((Dad Jeremy has trained him well! :)) NOW, without further story time from me- here is Kinsley’s Fresh 48 story!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Holden Matthew

This is Holden’s Birth Story

The moment I met Courtney and Matt, I knew that I wanted to be on their birth team! We met near Salem for coffee to see if we might be a good match for birth photography, and we literally laughed through the entire meeting! They were so sweet together and I loved hearing all about their journey to have little Holden. (Well, at that point; baby’s gender was a surprise- which was mega cool! Courtney told me that she had been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden, and her pregnancy required injections throughout her pregnancy as well as being closely monitored by her doctor. (This incredible Mama injected herself with over 500 needles in the duration of her pregnancy!)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

(Courtney & Matt’s sunset maternity session at a pumpkin patch in Salem, Oregon)

When I arrived at the hospital in Corvallis, Courtney had already been laboring for quite some time- but she was so in tune with her body and smiling through unmedicated waves. She was progressing, but slowly. After more time had passed, pit had been administered, and her water had been broken for some time~ a red flag came up with babe. Courtney and her doctor decided it would be in her and baby’s best interest to go ahead and deliver via c-section.


Holden was born via a gentle c-section, and was placed on Mama’s chest after being quickly dried off (to keep him warm!) It was such a beautiful experience and I am beyond honored to have captured it- and that Mom and Dad have given permission to share their story <3


Watch the Birth slideshow below to see images and video clips from Holden’s birth-day! Mom and Dad had both sets of parents (AKA the new Grandparents!!) to help welcome into the World.. Holden Matthew, you are so loved little guy!

Welcome to the World, precious boy!